
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sermon notes missing for 10-24-2010

Dear family and friends:

I sent no sermon notes out this week; my wife and I lost a very precious friend Sister Linda Conklin. She passed away about 1:30am Tuesday morning. My wife and I spent much time at the hospital in the last several days.


Linda was ready to go home to the Lord. In the last few weeks Sister Linda shared with me “I still believe the report of the Lord”. Even as lay on her death bed she was encouraging others. Telling family and friends how much God loved them. At one point I heard her tell her daughter “Never, never give up!" On Sunday afternoon before she lost consciousness she lead us in a song service right there in the hospital room. One of the songs she chose was “Rejoice in the Lord Always”. At a couple of points she declared she could see angels in the room with us; The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him.


Linda was a prayer warrior who always had soul winning on her mind. The few words I offer here could never do justice to how God used her to touch the lives of many. She is indeed a pillar of righteousness planted by the Lord. There are no wasted prayers as Revelation teaches us God stores up the prayers of the righteous; there are prayers Linda has sent up to the throne room yet be pour out upon the alter of God.


Please pray for Linda Conklin’s family as the grieve their loss.


God bless,



God the Father loved you first

Jesus is faithful

Bruce A Brown



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